Writing For Developers
Monday 5 June 2023


A Checklist for developers. addressing technical writing on social media and personal blogs.


  • This is a response for Ahmed Alfy video on Facebook
  • The video talks about writing good articles for developers and pitfalls when giving advice online
  • This is a checklist for developers when writing technical articles
  • This represents the preference of the document authors and shouldn’t be taken as a fact

Style preferences

  • We prefer a today I learned (TIL) format over advice from a professional format
  • We try to keep a looking for feedback attitude
  • We exercise caution when giving a generalized advice

Before Writing

  • Read related material on the topic
  • In case of opinions read opposing opinions


  • We clarify opinions from facts
  • We clarify the context, audience, and scope

After Writing

  • Correct typos and grammar mistakes
  • Seek reviews from others



Contributing to this guide

  • Please click the “Edit on GitHub” link at the top. make edits and open a pull request.


See Also