Product Change Workflow
Friday 6 January 2023


The following is a dump of the steps I should take and the knowledge I should have when I’m asked for a product change:

General understanding

  • The problem it solves
  • The expected outcomes
  • Upstream teams
  • Downstream teams
  • Stakeholders
  • Related research/Data discovery

Relation to company

  • Relation to company strategy
  • Relation to company KPI/OKRs
  • Related Initiatives/projects/workstreams
  • Priority in relation to other changes

Before execution

  • Technical solution plan
  • What systems needs to change
  • Milestones
  • Blockers
  • Risks


  • Create Epic
  • Create stories/tasks
  • Label each story/task with the milestone

After execution

  • Rollout plan
  • Rollback plan
  • A/B tests
  • Logging
  • Performance monitor (success/failure)
  • Product monitor (expected outcomes)
  • Error reporting
  • Alerting
  • Technical documentation
  • Product documentation

Follow ups

  • Followup periodic checks on the hypothesis


  • Product
  • Legal
  • Security



See Also