
A minimal CLI text editor, built on Ruby, looking for Emacs as it's father and idol.

View the Project on GitHub emad-elsaid/amun

Amun (Work in progress)

“King of the gods and god of the wind”

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A minimal CLI text editor, built on Ruby, looking for Emacs as it’s father and idol.

As developing packages for Emacs with Elisp wasn’t always a fun or easy task, Starting a project that leverage ruby ability for fast development will be a good move towards an open, easy to extend editor.

When I started this project I had 2 options, taking the VIM way or emacs way, looking in the current state of the two editors, It’s obvious that emacs approach has a better extensibility over VIM, emacs customizability is far superior to VIM, so building this project as a minimal and emacs-like would open the door for vim users to have their own bindings as a package like emacs Evil mode, but doing the other way around won’t help emacs users.

Advantages of building an editor in ruby


$ gem install amun


amun install an executable to your path, so executing amun from your command-line should launch amun



Helpers are modules that any class can use to do side tasks, think of it like Ruby on rails helpers.


Classes that are responsible the following for a buffer object:


After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


guard file will run rspec tests whenever a relevant file changes

$ guard


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.